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  • 群馬県におけるSARS-CoV-2アルファ株関連症例の特徴について(2021年2月10日~6月2日). 病原微生物検出情報.2021;42(9):203-204. 塚越博之, 篠田大輔, 齋藤麻理子, 高橋裕子, 島田諒, 井上伸子, 塩野雅孝, 猿木信裕, 黒田誠, 関塚剛史.
  • Erythema nodosum-like eruption in coronavirus disease 2019: A case report and literature review of Asian countries. J Dermatol. 2021;48(10):1588-1592. Kuriyama Y, Shimizu A, Oka H, Sato M, Makioka K, Ikota H, Yanagisawa K, Tokue Y, Tsukagoshi H, Motegi SI.
  • A discernable increase in the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 R.1 lineage carrying an E484K spike protein mutation in Japan. Infect Genet Evol. 2021;94:105013. Sekizuka T, Itokawa K, Hashino M, Okubo K, Ohnishi A, Goto K, Tsukagoshi H, Ehara H, Nomoto R, Ohnishi M, Kuroda M; Virus Diagnosis Group (NIID Toyama); COVID-19 Genomic Surveillance Network in Japan (COG-JP).
  • Detailed Evolutionary Analyses of the F Gene in the Respiratory Syncytial Virus Subgroup A.  Viruses. 2021;13(12):2525.  Saito M, Tsukagoshi H, Sada M, Sunagawa S, Shirai T, Okayama K, Sugai T, Tsugawa T, Hayashi Y, Ryo A, Takeda M, Kawashima H, Saruki N, Kimura H.
  • Relationships between Viral Load and the Clinical Course of COVID-19. Viruses. 2021;13(2):304.  Tsukagoshi H, Shinoda D, Saito M, Okayama K, Sada M, Kimura H, Saruki N.
  • A Genome Epidemiological Study of SARS-CoV-2 Introduction into Japan. mSphere. 2020;5(6):e00786-20. Sekizuka T, Itokawa K, Hashino M, Kawano-Sugaya T, Tanaka R, Yatsu K, Ohnishi A, Goto K, Tsukagoshi H, Ehara H, Sadamasu K, Taira M, Shibata S, Nomoto R, Hiroi S, Toho M, Shimada T, Matsui T, Sunagawa T, Kamiya H, Yahata Y, Yamagishi T, Suzuki M, Wakita T, Kuroda M.
  • Meningitis and bacteremia by nonhemolytic Group B Streptococcus strain: A whole genome analysis. Microbiol Immunol. 2020;64(9):630-634. Shimizu A, Tsukagoshi H, Sekizuka T, Kuroda M, Koizumi A, Fujita M, Yamada Y, Saruki N.
  • Molecular evolution of the capsid (VP1) region in human norovirus genogroup II genotype 3. Heliyon. 2020;6(5):e03835. Saito M, Tsukagoshi H, Ishigaki H, Aso J, Ishii H, Okayama K, Ryo A, Ishioka T, Kuroda M, Saruki N, Katayama K, Kimura H.
  • Prevalence and Risk Factor for Antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli Colonization at Birth in Premature Infants: A Prospective Cohort Study. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020;39(6):546-552. Koizumi A, Maruyama K, Ohki Y, Nakayama A, Yamada Y, Kurosawa H, Tsukagoshi H, Fujiu T, Takahashi M, Kimura T, Saruki N, Murakami M, Arakawa H.
  • Improvement of Severe COVID-19 in an Elderly Man by Sequential Use of Antiviral Drugs. Case Rep Infect Dis. 2020;2020:8814249. Yatomi M, Takazawa T, Yanagisawa K, Kanamoto M, Matsui Y, Tsukagoshi H, Saruki N, Saito S, Tokue Y, Maeno T.
  • Flagellum expression and swimming activity by the zoonotic pathogen Escherichia albertii. Environ Microbiol Rep. 2020;12(1):92-96.  Murakami K, Kimura S, Nagafuchi O, Sekizuka T, Onozuka D, Mizukoshi F, Tsukagoshi H, Ishioka T, Asai T, Hirai S, Musashi M, Suzuki M, Ohnishi M, Oishi K, Saruki N, Kimura H, Iyoda S, Kuroda M, Fujimoto S.
  • Evolutionary analysis of the VP1 and RNA-Dependent RNA polymerase regions of human norovirus GII.P17-GII.17 in 2013-2017. Front Microbiol. 2019;10:2189.  Matsushima Y, Mizukoshi F, Sakon N, Doan YH, Ueki Y, Ogawa Y, Motoya T, Tsukagoshi H, Nakamura N, Shigemoto N, Yoshitomi H, Okamoto-Nakagawa R, Suzuki R, Tsutsui R, Terasoma F, Takahashi T, Sadamasu K, Shimizu H, Okabe N, Nagasawa K, Aso J, Ishii H, Kuroda M, Ryo A, Katayama K, Kimura H.
  • Rhinovirus associated acute encephalitis/encephalopathy and concurrent cerebellitis: a case report.  Brain Dev., Brain Dev. 2019;41(6):551-554.  Hazama K, Shiihara T, Tsukagoshi H, Matsushige T, Dowa Y, Watanabe M.
  • The association between documentation of koplik spots and laboratory diagnosis of measles and other rash diseases in a national measles surveillance program in Japan. Front. Microbiol., 2019; 10, 269. Kimura H, Shirabe K, Takeda M, Kobayashi M, Tsukagoshi H, Okayama K, Ryo A, Nagasawa K, Okabe N, Minagawa H, Kozawa K.
  • Polio vaccination coverage and seroprevalence of poliovirus antibodies after the introduction of inactivated poliovirus vaccines for routine immunization in Japan. Vaccine, 2019; 37(14), 1964-1971. Satoh H, Taya K, Shimizu H, Goto A, Tanaka S, Nakano T, Hotta C, Okazaki T, Itamochi M, Ito M, Nakagawa R, Yamashita Y, Arai S, Okuno H, Morino S, Oishi K.
  • Next-generation DNA sequencing analysis of two Streptococcus suis ST28 isolates associated with human infective endocarditis and meningitis in Gunma, Japan: a case report. Infect. Dis. (Lond), 2019; 51(1), 62-66. Hayashi T, Tsukagoshi H, Sekizuka T, Ishikawa D, Imai M, Fujita M, Kuroda M, Saruki N.
  • Multiplex one-step real-time PCR detection for influenza viruses, AH1pdm09, AH3 and B. Infect. Dis. (Lond), 2018; 50(8), 634-636. Saito M, Tsukagoshi H, Takahashi Y, Saruki N.
  • Molecular evolution of the fusion protein (F) gene in human respiratory syncytial virus subgroup B. Infect. Genet. Evol., 2017; 52, 1-9. Kimura H, Nagasawa K, Kimura R, Tsukagoshi H, Matsushima Y, Fujita K, Hirano E, Ishiwada N, Misaki T, Oishi K, Kuroda M, Ryo A.
  • A case of mumps-related acute encephalopathy with biphasic seizures and late reduced diffusion. Brain Dev., 2017; 39(9), 808-810. Hazama K, Shiihara T, Tsukagoshi H, Hasegawa S, Dowa Y, Watanabe M.
  • 地方衛生研究所におけるアデノウイルス検査の意義. 病原微生物検出情報(IASR), 2017; 38(7), 136-138. 塚越博之, 高橋裕, 齋藤麻理子, 猿木信裕, 藤本嗣人.
  • A mild phenotype of hand, foot and mouth disease caused by coxsackievirus A6. Eur J Dermatol., 2017; 27(5), 527-528. Hattori M, Shimizu A, Tsukagoshi H, Saruki N, Kaira K, Ohkawa T, Ishikawa O.
  • JACRにおける新たな事業「J-CIP患者目線の情報発信プロジェクト」 JACR NEWS LETTER, 2017; 42, 2-3. 猿木信裕.
  • Genetic analyses of the fusion protein genes in human parainfluenza virus types 1 and 3 among patients with acute respiratory infections in Eastern Japan from 2011 to 2015. J Med. Microbiol., 2017; 66(2), 160-168. Tsutsui R, Tsukagoshi H, Nagasawa K, Takahashi M, Matsushima Y, Ryo A, Kuroda M, Takami H, Kimura H.
  • ヒトノロウイルス(HuNoV)キャプシド遺伝子の分子進化について. 病原微生物検出情報, 2017; 38(1), 12-14. 長澤耕男, 楠英樹, 黒田誠, 木村博一, 小林美保, 塚越博之, 猿木信裕, 松島勇紀, 石川真理子, 清水英明, 岡部信彦, 吉澄志磨, 古川紗耶香, 高橋知子, 植木洋, 水越文徳, 篠原美千代, 本谷匠, 鈴木理恵子, 柴田伸一郎, 左近直美, 重本直樹, 岡本玲子, 調恒明, 山下育孝, 四宮博人, 西村浩一, 岩切章, 小澤邦寿, 梁明秀, 皿谷健, 森田幸雄, 鈴木善幸, 片山和彦.
  • 疫学検討から見た群馬県と利根沼田2次保健医療圏におけるつつが虫病の特徴. The Kitakanto Medical Journal, 2017; 67(1), 23-31. 吉住正和, 小池幹義, 高橋奈緒美, 田仲久人, 木暮政惠, 岡田正敏, 津久井智, 猿木信裕, 高橋篤.
  • 全国がん登録への期待と三つの課題. JACR NEWS LETTER, 2016; 39, 1. 猿木信裕.
  • Molecular evolution of respiratory syncytial virus subgroup A genotype NA1 and ON1 attachment glycoprotein (G) gene in central Vietnam. Infect. Genet. Evol., 2016; 45, 437-446. Yoshihara K, Le MN, Nagasawa K, Tsukagoshi H, Nguyen HA, Toizumi M, Moriuchi H, Hashizume M, Ariyoshi K, Dang DA, Kimura H, Yoshida LM.
  • Assessing potential countermeasures against the dengue epidemic in non-tropical urban cities. Theor. Biol. Med. Model., 2016; 13, 12. Masui H, Kakitani I, Ujiyama S, Hashidate K, Shiono M, Kudo K.
  • Molecular evolution of the fusion protein gene in human respiratory syncytial virus subgroup A. Infect. Genet. Evol., 2016; 43, 398-406. Kimura H, Nagasawa K, Tsukagoshi H, Matsushima Y, Fujita K, Yoshida LM, Tanaka R, Ishii H, Shimojo N, Kuroda M, Ryo A.
  • 地方衛生研究所の連携による食品由来病原微生物の網羅的ゲノム解析を基盤とする新たな食品の安全確保対策に関する研究. 食品衛生学雑誌, 2016; 57(6), 185-188. 調恒明, 小澤邦壽, 猿木信裕, 佐多徹太郎, 四宮博人, 黒田誠, 木村博一.
  • Pathogen profiles and molecular epidemiology of respiratory viruses in Japanese inpatients with community-acquired pneumonia. Respir. Investig., 2016; 54(4), 255-263. Kurai D, Sasaki Y, Saraya T, Ishii H, Tsukagoshi H, Kozawa K, Ryo A, Ishioka T, Kuroda M, Oishi K, Takizawa H, Kimura H.
  • MIP-1α level in nasopharyngeal aspirates at the first wheezing episode predicts recurrent wheezing. J Allergy Clin. Immunol., 2016; 137(3), 774-781. Sugai K, Kimura H, Miyaji Y, Tsukagoshi H, Yoshizumi M, Sasaki-Sakamoto T, Matsunaga S, Yamada Y, Kashiwakura J, Noda M, Ikeda M, Kozawa K, Ryo A, Yoshihara S, Ogata H, Okayama Y.
  • Neuropathogenicity of two saffold virus type 3 isolates in mouse models. PLoS One., 2016; 11(2), e0148184.  Kotani O, Naeem A, Suzuki T, Iwata-Yoshikawa N, Sato Y, Nakajima N, Hosomi T, Tsukagoshi H, Kozawa K, Hasegawa H, Taguchi F, Shimizu H, Nagata N.
  • Molecular evolution of the capsid gene in norovirus genogroup I. Sci. Rep., 2015; 5, 13806. Kobayashi M, Yoshizumi S, Kogawa S, Takahashi T, Ueki Y, Shinohara M, Mizukoshi F, Tsukagoshi H, Sasaki Y, Suzuki R, Shimizu H, Iwakiri A, Okabe N, Shirabe K, Shinomiya H, Kozawa K, Kusunoki H, Ryo A, Kuroda M, Katayama K, Kimura H.
  • Molecular evolution of haemagglutinin (H) gene in measles virus. Sci. Rep., 2015; 5, 11648. Kimura H, Saitoh M, Kobayashi M, Ishii H, Saraya T, Kurai D, Tsukagoshi H, Shirabe K, Nishina A, Kozawa K, Kuroda M, Takeuchi F, Sekizuka T, Minakami H, Ryo A, Takeda M.
  • 喘息・喘鳴に関与する呼吸器ウイルスとサイトカイン産生. 臨床免疫・アレルギー科, 2015; 63(4), 335-339. 木村博一, 吉住正和, 塚越博之, 長澤耕男, 大石和徳.
  • Severe acute encephalopathy related to human parainfluenza virus type 2 infection in an infant:a case report. JMM Case Reports, 2015; 2(4). Sugai K, Tsukagoshi H, Nojima I, Fujiwara K, Kodera A, Kimura N, Tsuchimoto K, Sekimoto K,  Kitada K, Takahashi N, Araki T, Fujii Y, Miyaji Y, Ikeda M, Kozawa K, Noda M, Kuroda M, Kimura H.
  • 次世代シークエンサーによる呼吸器ウイルスゲノム解析 -ライノウイルス主要抗原遺伝子解析への応用-. 臨床とウイルス, 2015; 43(3), 68-74. 木村博一, 塚越博之, 梁明秀, 黒田誠.
  • Molecular evolution of the VP1, VP2, and VP3 genes in human rhinovirus species C. Sci. Rep., 2015; 2(5), 8185. Kuroda M, Niwa S, Sekizuka T, Tsukagoshi H, Yokoyama M, Ryo A, Sato H, Kiyota N, Noda M, Kozawa K, Shirabe K, Kusaka T, Shimojo N, Hasegawa S, Sugai K, Obuchi M, Tashiro M, Oishi K, Ishii H, Kimura H.
  • Molecular evolution of human respiratory syncytial virus attachment glycoprotein (G) gene of new genotype ON1 and ancestor NA1. Infect. Genet. Evol., 2014; 28, 183-191. Hirano E, Kobayashi M, Tsukagoshi H, Yoshida LM, Kuroda M, Noda M, Ishioka T, Kozawa K, Ishii H, Yoshida A, Oishi K, Ryo A, Kimura H.
  • A food-borne outbreak of gastroenteritis due to genotype G1P[8] rotavirus among adolescents in Japan. Microbiol. Immunol., 2014; 58(9), 536-539. Mizukoshi F, Kuroda M, Tsukagoshi H, Sekizuka T, Funatogawa K, Morita Y, Noda M, Katayama K, Kimura H.
  • Novel aspects on the pathogenesis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia and therapeutic implications. Front. Microbiol., 2014; 11(5), 410. Saraya T, Kurai D, Nakagaki K, Sasaki Y, Niwa S, Tsukagoshi H, Nunokawa H, Ohkuma K, Tsujimoto N, Hirao S, Wada H, Ishii H, Nakata K, Kimura H, Kozawa K, Takizawa H, Goto H.
  • Epidemiology of virus-induced asthma exacerbations: with special reference to the role of human rhinovirus. Front. Microbiol., 2014; 26(5), 226. Saraya T, Kurai D, Ishii H, Ito A, Sasaki Y, Niwa S, Kiyota N, Tsukagoshi H, Kozawa K, Goto H, Takizawa H.
  • Alteration in serum levels of inflammatory cytokines during parainfluenza virus type 1 infection in patients with severe multiple disabilities. Jpn J Infect. Dis., 2014; 67(5), 392-396. Matsuda S, Kiyota N, Yoshizumi M, Noda M.
  • An outbreak of acute respiratory infections due to human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) in a nursing home for the elderly in Ibaraki, Japan, 2014. Jpn J Infect. Dis., 2014; 67(4), 326-328. Doi I, Nagata N, Tsukagoshi H, Komori H, Motoya T, Watanabe M, Keta T, Kawakami M, Tsukano T, Honda M, Ishioka T, Takeda M, Ryo A, Kuroda M, Oishi K, Kimura H.
  • Molecular evolution of hemagglutinin-neuraminidase gene in human parainfluenza virus type 3 isolates from children with acute respiratory illness in Yamagata prefecture, Japan. J Med. Microbiol., 2014; 63(Pt 4), 570-577.  Mizuta K, Tsukagoshi H, Ikeda T, Aoki Y, Abiko C, Itagaki T, Nagano M, Noda M, Kimura H.
  • Apnea, dyspnea, and wheezing in primary lower respiratory infections due to human rhinovirus in Japanese infants. JMM Case Rep., 2014; 1(3). Tsujimoto S, Tsukagoshi H, Inai I, Yoshimoto Y, Daida A, Kusakawa I, Tanaka-Taya K, Ishii H, Saraya T, Kurai D, Oishi K, Ryo A, Kimura H.
  • Ebola virus disease: a literature review. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 2014; 4(1), 930-935. Kimura H, Tsukagoshi H, Ryo A, Oda Y, Kawabata T, Majima T, Kozawa K, Shimojima M.
  • Long-term parvovirus B19 infections with genetic drift after cord blood transplantation complicated by persistent CD4+ lymphocytopenia. J Pediatr Hematol. Oncol., 2014; 36(1), 65-68. Suzuki M, Ito Y, Shimada A, Saito M, Muramatsu H, Hama A, Takahashi Y, Kimura H, Kojima S.
  • Triplex real-time polymerase chain reaction assay for detection and quantification of norovirus (GI and GII) and sapovirus. Microbiol. Immunol., 2014; 58(1), 68-71. Niwa S, Tsukagoshi H, Ishioka T, Sasaki Y, Yoshizumi M, Morita Y, Kimura H, Kozawa K.
  • Neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells stimulated by components from Dendranthema × grandiflorum cv. ‘‘Mottenohoka’’ is enhanced by suppressing phosphorylation of p38MAPK. Evid. Based Complement. Alternat. Med., 2013; 2013, 403503.  Nishina A, Kimura H, Tsukagoshi H, Kozawa K, Koketsu M, Ninomiya M, Furukawa S.
  • Molecular evolution of attachment glycoprotein (G) gene in human respiratory syncytial virus detected in Japan 2008-2011. Infect. Genet. Evol., 2013; 18, 168-173. Kushibuchi I, Kobayashi M, Kusaka T, Tsukagoshi H, Ryo A, Yoshida A, Ishii H, Saraya T, Kurai D, Yamamoto N, Kanou K, Saitoh M, Noda M, Kuroda M, Morita Y, Kozawa K, Oishi K, Tashiro M, Kimura H.
  • Molecular epidemiology of respiratory viruses in virus-induced asthma. Front Microbiol., 2013; 4, 278. Tsukagoshi H, Ishioka T, Noda M, Kozawa K, Kimura H.
  • Severity of respiratory signs and symptoms and virus profiles in Japanese children with acute respiratory illness. Microbiol. Immunol., 2013; 57(12), 811-821. Miyaji Y, Kobayashi M, Sugai K, Tsukagoshi H, Niwa S, Fujitsuka-Nozawa A, Noda M, Kozawa K, Yamazaki F, Mori M, Yokota S, Kimura H.
  • Novel reassortant influenza A(H1N2) virus derived from A(H1N1)pdm09 virus isolated from swine, Japan, 2012. Emerg Infect Dis., 2013; 19(12), 1972-1974. Kobayashi M, Takayama I, Kageyama T, Tsukagoshi H, Saitoh M, Ishioka T, Yokota Y, Kimura H, Tashiro M, Kozawa K.
  • Genetic analysis of attachment glycoprotein (G) gene in new genotype ON1 of human respiratory syncytial virus detected in Japan. Microbiol. Immunol., 2013; 57(9), 655-659. Tsukagoshi H, Yokoi H, Kobayashi M, Kushibuchi I, Okamoto‐Nakagawa R, Yoshida A, Morita Y, Noda M, Yamamoto N, Sugai K, Oishi K, Kozawa K, Kuroda M, Shirabe K, Kimura H.
  • Evidence for reactivation of human herpesvirus 6 in generalized lymphadenopathy in a patient with drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome. J Clin Microbiol., 2013; 51(6), 1979-1982. Saraya T, Mikoshiba M, Kamiyama H, Yoshizumi M, Tsuchida S, Tsukagoshi H, Ishioka T, Terada M, Tanabe E, Tomioka C, Ishii H, Kimura H, Kozawa K, Shiohara T, Takizawa H, Goto H.
  • Genetic analysis of the VP4/VP2 coding region in human rhinovirus species C in patients with acute respiratory infection in Japan. J Med. Microbiol., 2013; 62(Pt 4), 610-617. Kiyota N, Kushibuchi I, Kobayashi M, Tsukagoshi H, Ryo A, Nishimura K, Hirata-Saito A, Harada S, Arakawa M, Kozawa K, Noda M, Kimura H.
  • Cytokine profiles, signalling pathways and effects of fluticasone propionate in respiratory syncytial virus-infected human foetal lung fibroblasts. Cell Bio Int., 2013; 37(4), 326-339. Seki E, Yoshizumi M, Tanaka R, Ryo A, Ishioka T, Tsukagoshi H, Kozawa K, Okayama Y, Okabe-Kado J, Goya T, Kimura H.
  • Elevated macrophage inflammatory protein 1α and interleukin-17 production in an experimental asthma model infected with respiratory syncytial virus. Int Arch. Allergy Immunol., 2013; 161(Suppl 2), 129-137. Ishioka T, Yamada Y, Kimura H, Yoshizumi M,Tsukagoshi H, Kozawa K, Maruyama K, Hayashi Y, Kato M.
  • Genetic analysis of the VP4/VP2 coding region in human rhinovirus species C in patients with acute respiratory infection in Japan. J. Med. Microbiol., 2013; 62(Pt 4), 610-617. Kiyota N, Kushibuchi I, Kobayashi M, Tsukagoshi H, Ryo A, Nishimura K, Hirata-Saito A, Harada S, Arakawa M, Kozawa K, Noda M, Kimura H.
  • Cytomegalovirus retinitis during maintenance therapy for T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol., 2013; 35(2), 162-163.  Wakai K, Sano H, Shimada A, Shiozawa Y, Park MJ, Sotomatsu M, Yanagisawa R, Koike K, Kozawa K, Ryo A, Tsukagoshi H, Kimura H, Hayashi Y.
  • Seroepidemiology of saffold cardiovirus (SAFV) genotype 3 in Japan. J Infect., 2013; 66(2), 191-193. Kobayashi M, Tsukagoshi H, Ishioka T, Mizuta K, Noda M, Morita Y, Ryo A, Kozawa K, Kimura H.
  • Molecular epidemiology of human metapneumovirus from 2005 to 2011 in Fukui, Japan. Jpn J Infect Dis., 2013; 66(1), 56-59. Nakamura M, Hirano E, Ishiguro F, Mizuta K, Noda M, Tanaka R, Tsukagoshi H, Kimura H.
  • Genetic analysis of non-hydrogen sulfide-producing Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium and S. enterica serovar infantis isolates in Japan. J Clin Microbiol., 2013; 51(1), 328-330. Sakano C, Kuroda M, Sekizuka T, Ishioka T, Morita Y, Ryo A, Tsukagoshi H, Kawai Y, Inoue N, Takada H, Ogaswara Y, Nishina A, Shimoda MA, Kozawa K, Oishi K, Kimura H.
  • Molecular evolution of hemagglutinin (H) gene in measles virus genotypes D3, D5, D9, and H1. PLoS One, 2012; 7(11). e50660. Saitoh M, Takada M, Gotoh K, Takeuchi F, Sekizuka T, Kuroda M, Mizuta K, Ryo A, Tanaka R, Ishii H, Takada H, Kozawa K, Yoshida A, Noda M, Okabe N, Kimura H.
  • Molecular epidemiology of the attachment glycoprotein (G) gene in respiratory syncytial virus in children with acute respiratory infection in Japan in 2009/2010. J Med Microbiol, 2012; 61(Pt 6), 820-829. Yoshida A, Kiyota N, Kobayashi M, Nishimura K, Tsutsui R, Tsukagoshi H, Hirano E, Yamamoto N, Ryo A, Saitoh M, Harada S, Inoue O, Kozawa K, Tanaka R, Noda M, Okabe N, Tashiro M, Mizuta K, Kimura H. 
  • Molecular analysis of genome of the pandemic influenza A(H1N1) 2009 virus associated with fatal infections in Gunma, Tochigi, Yamagata, and Yamaguchi prefectures in Japan during the first pandemic wave. Jpn J Infect. Dis., 2012; 65(4), 363-367. Obuchi M, Toda S, Tsukagoshi H, Oogane T, Abiko C, Funatogawa K, Mizuta K, Shirabe K, Kozawa K, Noda M, Kimura H, Tashiro M.
  • Molecular epidemiology of human metapneumovirus from 2009 to 2011 in Okinawa, Japan. Jpn J Infect. Dis., 2012; 65(4), 337-340. Nidaira M, Taira K, Hamabata H, Kawaki T, Gushi K, Mahoe Y, Maeshiro N, Azama Y, Okano S, Kyan H, Kudaka J, Tsukagoshi H, Noda M, Kimura H.
  • Detection of human coronavirus NL63 and OC43 in children with acute respiratory infections in Niigata, Japan, between 2010 and 2011. Jpn J Infect. Dis., 2012; 65(3), 270-272. Kon M, Watanabe K, Tazawa T, Watanabe K, Tamura T, Tsukagoshi H, Noda M, Kimura H, Mizuta K.
  • Temporal alteration of serum G-CSF and VEGF levels in perinatal asphyxia treated with head cooling. Cytokine, 2012; 60(3), 812-814. Okazaki K, Kusaka T, Kondo M, Kozawa K, Yoshizumi M, Kimura H.
  • Molecular epidemiological study of human rhinovirus species A, B and C from patients with acute respiratory illnesses in Japan. J Med. Microbiol., 2012; 61(Pt 3), 410-419. Arakawa M, Okamoto-Nakagawa R, Toda S, Tsukagoshi H, Kobayashi M, Ryo A, Mizuta K, Hasegawa S, Hirano R, Wakiguchi H, Kudo K, Tanaka R, Morita Y, Noda M, Kozawa K,  Ichiyama T, Shirabe K, Kimura H.
  • A molecular epidemiological study of respiratory viruses detected in Japanese children with acute wheezing illness. BMC Infect. Dis., 2011; 11, 168. Fujitsuka A, Tsukagoshi H, Arakawa M, Goto-Sugai K, Ryo A, Okayama Y, Mizuta K, Nishina A, Yoshizumi M, Kaburagi Y, Noda M, Tashiro M, Okabe N, Mori M, Yokota S, Kimura H.
  • Detailed genetic analysis of hemagglutinin-neuraminidase glycoprotein gene in human parainfluenza virus type 1 isolates from patients with acute respiratory infection between 2002 and 2009 in Yamagata prefecture, Japan. Virol J., 2011; 8, 533. Mizuta K, Saitoh M, Kobayashi M, Tsukagoshi H, Aoki Y, Ikeda T, Abiko C, Katsushima N, Itagaki T, Noda M, Kozawa K, Ahiko T, Kimura H.
  • 新たに開発した次亜塩素酸処理循環浴槽システムのレジオネラ属菌・大腸菌群および一般細菌の制御. 防菌防黴, 2011; 39(12), 749-756. 住谷敬太, 木村哲也, 齋藤利明, 新井孝雄, 高田勇人, 吉住正和, 横田陽子, 藤田雅弘, 小畑 敏, 小澤邦寿, 森田幸雄, 野田雅博, 木村博一.
  • The impact of saffold cardiovirus in patients with acute respiratory infections in Yamagata, Japan. Scand J Infect Dis., 2011; 43(8), 669-671. Tsukagoshi H, Mizuta K, Abiko C, Itagaki T, Yoshizumi M, Kobayashi M, Kuroda M, Kozawa K,  Noda M, Ryo A, Kimura H.
  • Serum cytokine profiles in patients with prostate carcinoma. Exp Ther Med., 2011; 2(5), 887-891. Tazaki E, Shimizu N, Tanaka R, Yoshizumi M, Kamma H, Imoto S, Goya T, Kozawa K, Nishina A,  Kimura H.
  • First detection of measles virus genotype G3 in a Japanese woman: an imported case. Jpn. J. Infect., 2011; 64(3), 262-263. Tanaka T, Yokoi H, Kobayashi K, Iwanade H, Noguchi Y, Mitsui Y, Okamoto A, Saitoh M, Noda M, Takeda M, Okabe N, Kimura H.
  • Prevalence and genotype of Salmonella Choleraesuis in Gunma prefecture, Japan. Thai J Vet. Med., 2011; 41(3), 321-326. Sakano C, Morita Y, Goto K, Yokota Y, Annaka H, Fujita M, Kobatake S, Ishioka T, Hoshino T, Boonmar S, Pulsrikarn C, Nishina A, Kozawa K, Yamamoto S, Kimura H.
  • Detection and quantitation of norovirus genome using real-time RT-PCR. Jpn. J. Food microbial., 2011; 28(2), 139-142. Fujii M, Yamamoto J, Mukai H, Fujita M, Tsukagoshi H, Yoshizumi M, Saitoh M, Kozawa K, Kimura H.
  • Detection of various respiratory viruses in patients with influenza-like illness before and after emergence of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza virus in Okinawa. Jpn J Infect. Dis., 2011; 64(1), 87-89. Omura T, Iizuka S, Tabara K, Tsukagoshi H, Mizuta K, Matsuda S, Noda M, Kimura H..
  • Detection of human metapneumovirus genomes during an outbreak of bronchitis and pneumonia in a geriatric care home in Shimane, Japan, in autumn 2009. Jpn J Infect. Dis., 2011; 64(1), 85-87.  Nakamura M, Taira K, Tsukagoshi H, Itokazu K, Nidaira M, Okano S, Kudaka J, Noda M,  Takeda M, Kimura H.
  • Different cytokine profile and eosinophil activation are involved in rhinovirus- and RS virus-induced acute exacerbation of childhood wheezing. Pediatr. Allergy. Immunol., 2011; 22(1 Pt 2), e87-94. Kato M, Tsukagoshi H, Yoshizumi M, Saitoh M, Kozawa K, Yamada Y, Maruyama K, Hayashi Y, Kimura H.
  • ステーキチェーンBを原因とした腸管出血性大腸菌O157による広域散発事例-群馬県. 病原微生物検出情報, 2010; 31, 158-159. 黒澤肇, 鈴木智之, 塩原正枝, 横田陽子, 小畑敏, 小澤邦壽.
  • Sequence and phylogenetic analyses of saffold cardiovirus from children with exudative tonsillitis in Yamagata, Japan. Scand J Infect. Dis., 2010; 42(11-12), 950-952. Itagaki T, Abiko C, Ikeda T, Aoki Y, Seto J, Mizuta K, Ahiko T, Tsukagoshi H, Nagano M, Noda M, Mizutani T, Kimura H.
  • Sustained cytokinemia and chemokinemia concomitant with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia in an infant with Noonan syndrome. Leuk Res., 2010; 34(9), e226-228. Okazaki K, Unemoto J, Kondo M, Kusaka T, Kozawa K, Yoshizumi M, Shimada A, Takita J, Kaneko T, Hama T, Kimura H.
  • Peripheral lymphocyte subset and serum cytokine profiles of patients with West syndrome. Brain Dev., 2010; 32(9), 695-702. Shiihara T, Miyashita M, Yoshizumi M, Watanabe M, Yamada Y, Kato M.
  • Genotyping and phylogenetic analysis of the major genes in respiratory syncytial virus isolated from infants with bronchiolitis. Jpn J Infect. Dis., 2010; 63(6), 393-400. Goto-Sugai K, Tsukagoshi H, Mizuta K, Matsuda S, Noda M, Sugai T, Saito Y, Okabe N, Tashiro M, Kozawa K, Tanaka R, Morita Y, Nishina A, Kimura H.
  • Sequencing and phylogenetic analyses of Saffold cardiovirus (SAFV) genotype 3 isolates from children with upper respiratory infection in Gunma, Japan. Jpn J Infect. Dis., 2010; 63(5), 378-380. Tsukagoshi H, Masuda Y, Mizutani T, Mizuta K, Saitoh M, Morita Y, Nishina A, Kozawa K, Noda M, Ryo A, Kimura H.
  • Relationships between cytokine profiles and signaling pathways (IκB Kinase and p38 MAPK) in parainfluenza virus-infected lung fibroblasts. Front. Microbiol., 2010; 1, 124. Yoshizumi M, Kimura H, Okayama Y, Nishina A, Noda M, Tsukagoshi H, Kozawa K, Kurabayashi M.
  • Relationships between cellular events and signaling pathways in various pesticide-affected neural cells. Toxin Rev., 2010; 29(2), 43-50. Kimura H, Tsukagoshi H, Aoyama Y, Nishina A, Yamaguchi T, Iijima A, Kato M, Kozawa K.
  • Phylogenetic and cluster analysis of human rhinovirus species A (HRV-A) isolated from children with acute respiratory infections in Yamagata, Japan. Virus Res., 2010; 147(2), 265-274. Mizuta K, Hirata A, Suto A, Aoki Y, Ahiko T, Itagaki T, Tsukagoshi H, Morita Y, Obuchi M, Akiyama M, Okabe N, Noda M, Tashiro M, Kimura H.
  • A case of Legionella pneumonia linked to a hot spring facility in Gunma prefecture, Japan. Jpn J Infect Dis., 2010; 63(1), 78-79. Kurosawa H, Fujita M, Kobatake S, Kimura H, Ohshima M, Nagai A, Kaneko S, Iwasaki Y,  Kozawa K.
  • 海外渡航歴のない細菌性赤痢患者の同時期の複数届出事例について-群馬県. 病原微生物検出情報, 2009; 30, 97-98. 塩原正枝, 黒澤肇, 鈴木智之, 長井綾子, 森田幸雄, 小畑敏, 加藤政彦, 小澤邦壽, 田村直子, 赤見まり子, 中村多美子, 宗行彪, 高橋ふさ子, 山埼稔, 水上憲一, 木村博一.
  • Mitocryptide-2: purification, identification, and characterization of a novel cryptide that activates neutrophils. J Immunol., 2009; 182(8), 5072-5080. Mukai H, Seki T, Nakano H, Hokari Y, TakaoT, Kawanami M, Tsukagoshi H, Kimura H, Kiso Y, Shimonishi Y, Nishi Y, Munekata E.
  • 掛け流し式温泉におけるレジオネラ属菌汚染とリスク因子.  感染症学雑誌, 2009; 83(1), 36-44. 烏谷竜哉, 黒木俊郎, 大谷勝実, 山口誠一, 佐々木美江, 齊藤志保子, 舩渡川圭次, 藤田雅弘, 杉山寛治, 中嶋洋, 村上光一, 田栗利紹, 藏元強, 倉文明, 八木田健司, 泉山信司, 前川純子, 山崎利雄, 縣邦雄, 井上博雄.
  • Prevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection in wild boars (Sus scrofa leucomystax) and pigs in Gunma prefecture, Japan.  J Vet Med Sci., 2009; 71(1), 21-25. Sakano C, Morita Y, Shiono M, Yokota Y, Mokudai T, Sato-Motoi Y, Noda A, Nobusawa T, Sakaniwa H, Nagai A, Kabeya H, Maruyama S, Yamamoto S, Sato H, Kimura H.
  • 天然鉱石を使用した入浴施設が原因であると推定されたレジオネラ感染事例-群馬県. 病原微生物検出情報, 2008; 29, 193-194. 黒澤肇, 藤田雅弘, 森田幸雄, 小畑敏, 加藤政彦, 小澤邦壽, 清水睦, 赤見まり子, 吉江篤郎, 宗行彪, 大嶋光子, 奧野幸二, 長井章, 木村博一.
  • 群馬県内の中学校における百日咳の集団発生と対策について. 病原微生物検出情報, 2008; 29, 201-202. 坂本直美, 羽鳥麗子, 荒川浩一, 後藤英夫, 古田雄一, 鈴木智之, 塩原正枝, 長井綾子, 森田幸雄, 加藤政彦, 小澤邦寿, 木村博一. 
  • Imported dengue fever cases in Gunma prefecture, Japan.  Dengue Bulletin, 2008; 32, 214-217. Morita Y, Suzuki T, Kozawa K, Noda, M Okabe,N, Kimura H.
  • Discovery of mitocryptide-1, a neutrophil-activating cryptide from healthy porcine heart.  J Biol Chem., 2008; 283(45), 30596-30605. Mukai H, Hokari Y, Seki T, Takao T, Kubota M, Matsuo Y, Tsukagoshi H, Kato M, Kimura H, Shimonishi Y, Kiso Y, Nishi Y, Wakamatsu K, Munekata E.
  • Salmonella prevalence in slaughtered buffaloes and pigs and antimicrobial susceptibility of isolates in Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic.  J Vet Med Sci., 2008; 70(12), 1345-1348. Boonmar S, Markvichitr K, Chaunchom S, Chanda C, Bangtrakulnonth A, Pornrunang-wong S, Yamamoto S, Suzuki D, Kozawa K, Kimura H, Morita Y.
  • Release of cytokines/chemokines and cell death in UVB-irradiated human keratinocytes, HaCaT.  Cell Biol Int., 2008; 32(11), 1405-1411. Yoshizumi M, Nakamura T, Kato M, Ishioka T, Kozawa K, Wakamatsu K, Kimura H.
  • 収容犬のサルモネラ, アルコバクター, カンピロバクターの保菌状況.  日本獣医師会雑誌, 2008; 61(9), 725-728. 高原力也, 塩野雅孝, 松田錦也, 松本寿夫, 岸秀樹, 星野利得, 石岡大成, 森田幸雄.
  • Differential diagnosis of primary versus metastatic pulmonary adenocarcinomas using gene mutation analyses: a case report.  J Thorac Oncol., 2008; 3(8), 931-934. Nakazato Y, Tanaka R, Seki E, Iijima M, Kojima M, Yoshizumi M, Kato M, Kimura H, Kozawa K, Goya T.
  • Molecular evolution of HA1 in influenza A (H3N2) viruses isolated in Japan from 1989 to 2006.  Intervirology, 2008; 51(6), 377-384. Saitoh M, Kimura H, Kozawa K, Shoji A.
  • Temporal alterations in concentrations of sera cytokines/chemokines in sepsis due to group B streptococcus infection in a neonate.  Jpn J Infect Dis., 2008; 61(5), 382-385. Okazaki K, Kondo M, Kato M, Nishida A, Takahashi H, Noda M, Kimura H.
  • ISO22000認証食肉処理施設の衛生管理および各種工程等の細菌学的衛生状況.  日本食品微生物学雑誌,2008; 25(4), 153-158. 小林光士, 川植義彦, 牛丸藤彦, 下出敏樹, 古内功二, 永瀬正幸, 舩場信幸, 澤孝茂, 水上和則, 岩本允, 小池健太, 小池史晃, 森田幸雄.
  • Interferon-gamma enhances human eosinophil effector functions induced by granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor or interleukin-5.  Immunol Lett., 2008; 118(1), 88-95. Yamaguchi T, Kimura H, Kurabayashi M, Kozawa K, Kato M.
  • 地域における感染症実地疫学.  公衆衛生, 2008; 71(12); 1010-1013. 鈴木智之, 森田幸雄, 加藤政彦, 小澤邦寿.
  • ペットのグリーンイグアナにおけるSalmonella,PasteurellaおよびStaphylococcusの保菌状況.  日本獣医師会雑誌, 2008; 61(1), 70-74. 壁谷英則, 藤田雅弘, 森田幸雄, 横山栄二, 依田清江, 山内昭, 村田浩一, 丸山総一.
  • 豚におけるサルモネラの保菌状況と分離菌の血清型, 薬剤感受性およびゲノム型.  日本獣医師会雑誌, 2008; 61(1), 65-69. 高田勇人, 井上伸子, 天田貴昌, 信澤敏夫, 中嶋隆, 石岡大成, 藤田雅弘, 森田幸雄.
  • An imported dengue fever case by dengue virus 3 (DENV-3) infection in Gunma, Japan.  Jpn J Infect Dis., 2008; 61(1), 90-92.  Morita Y, Kogure H, Sandoh M, Kawashima G, Sato Y, Nanba S, Shoda Y, Suzuki T, Shiono M, Shiobara M, Kato M, Kozawa K, Noda M, Okabe N, Kimura H.
  • 焼肉店が原因施設と疑われた腸管出血性大腸菌O157食中毒事例.  病原微生物検出情報, 2007; 28, 196-197. 黒澤肇, 石岡大成, 白石直美, 藤田雅弘, 森田幸雄, 小畑敏, 加藤政彦, 小澤邦壽, 清水みどり, 高橋ふさ子, 岡田直子, 川合修三, 水上憲一, 間渕徹, 鷲尾和美, 町田護, 小倉洋裕, 長井章, 木村博一.
  • Superoxide radical-scavenging effects from polymorphonuclear leukocytes and toxicity in human cell lines of newly synthesized organic selenium compounds.  FEBS J., 2007; 274(23), 6046-6054.  Tsukagoshi H, Koketsu M, Kato M, Kurabayashi M, Nishina A, Kimura H.
  • Rotavirus associated acute encephalitis/encephalopathy and concurrent cerebellitis: report of two cases.  Brain Dev., 2007; 29(10), 670-673. Shiihara T, Watanabe M, Honma A, Kato M, Morita Y, Ichiyama T, Maruyama K.
  • Isolation of Mycobacterium spp. from milking buffaloes and cattle in Nepal.  J Vet Med Sci., 2007; 69(8), 819-825. Jha VC, Morita Y, Dhakal M, Besnet B, Sato T, Nagai A, Kato M, Kozawa K, Yamamoto S, Kimura H.
  • Prevalence of Campylobacter spp. in slaughtered cattle and buffaloes in Vientiane, Lao people's democratic republic.  J Vet Med Sci., 2007; 69(8), 853-855. Boonmar S, Chanda C, Markvichitr K, Chaunchom S, Yingsakmongkon S, Yamamoto S, Morita Y.
  • Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of the nucleoprotein (N) gene in measles viruses prevalent in Gunma, Japan, in 2007.  Jpn J Infect Dis., 2007; 60(6), 402-404. Morita Y, Suzuki T, Shiono M, Shiobara M, Saitoh M, Tsukagoshi H, Yoshizumi M, Ishioka T, Kato M, Kozawa K, Taya-Tanaka K, Yasui Y, Noda M, Okabe N, Kimura H.
  • Molecular typing by PFGE of Flavobacterium psychrophilum isolates derived from Japanese fishes.  J Fish Dis., 2007; 30(6), 345-355. Arai H, Morita Y, Izumi S, Katagiri T, Kimura H.
  • Serotypes, antimicrobial susceptibility, and gyr A gene mutation of Campylobacter jejuni isolates from humans and chickens in Thailand.  Microbiol Immunol., 2007; 51(5), 531-537. Boonmar S, Morita Y, Fujita M, Sangsuk L, Suthivarakom K, Padungtod P, Maruyama S, Kabeya H, Kato M, Kozawa K, Yamamoto S, Kimura H.
  • LightCycler®を用いたノロウイルス遺伝子検出法の検討.  日本食品微生物学雑誌, 2007; 24(4), 183-188. 森田幸雄, 藤田雅弘, 斎藤美香, 塚越博之, 星野利得, 加藤政彦, 小澤邦寿, 西尾治, 木村博一.
  • Immunohistological findings of suppurative granulomas of Yersinia enterocolitica appendicitis: A report of two cases.  Pathol Res Pract., 2007; 203(2), 115-119.  Kojima M, Morita Y, Shimizu K, Yoshida T, Yamada I, Togo T, Johshita T.
  • Phylogenetic analysis of envelope glycoprotein (E1) gene of rubella viruses prevalent in Japan in 2004.  Microbiol Immunol., 2006; 50(3), 179-185. Saito M, Shinkawa N, Shimada S, Segawa Y, Sadamasu K, Hasegawa M, Kato M, Kozawa K, Kuramoto T, Nishio O, Kimura H.
  • ヒト好酸球および好中球の機能調節におけるprotein kinase (PK) Cζの役割の相違. 呼吸, 2006; 25; S34-35. 加藤政彦, 山口貴史, 鈴木雅登, 丸山健一, 林泰秀, 木村博一.
  • ウイルスの顕微鏡検査法と培養検査法.  臨床と微生物, 2006; 33, 569-574. 木村博一, 野田雅博, 塚越博之, 加藤政彦. 
  • 群馬県内の2つの保育園で発生した腸管出血性大腸菌(O26)感染症の集団感染例.  病原微生物検出情報, 2006; 27, 233-235. 原まち子, 市毛千鶴子, 佐藤好美, 栗原修一, 赤見まり子, 長井二郎, 立石孝枝, 白石直美, 後藤清乃, 湯本二三男, 轟公之, 早乙女千恵子, 福田久美子, 邊見春雄, 高原力也, 塩原正枝, 池田美由紀, 黒澤肇, 森田幸雄, 加藤政彦.
  • G群に凝集するStreptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis による劇症型溶血性レンサ球菌感染症の一例.  病原微生物検出情報, 2006; 27, 236-237.  逸見大造, 高原力也, 塩原正枝, 池田美由紀, 黒澤肇, 森田幸雄, 加藤政彦.
  • 市販の鶏挽肉から分離したSalmonellaの薬剤耐性遺伝子の接合伝達性.   医学と生物学, 2006; 150(7), 281-286. 野村裕子, 新井茉莉, 加藤直子, 森田幸雄, 木村博一, 中嶋隆.
  • ターナー症候群に若年性特発性関節炎を合併した1女児例.  日本小児科学会雑誌, 2006; 110(3), 425-429. 浦野博央, 加藤政彦, 鬼形和道, 滝沢琢己, 荒川浩一, 望月博之, 徳山研一, 林泰秀, 森川昭廣.
  • Elevation of cytokine concentrations in asphyxiated neonates.  Biol. Neonate, 2006; 89(3), 183-189. Okazaki K, Nishida A, Kato M, Kozawa K, Uga N, Kimura H.
  • Tuberculosis-like peritonitis due to an atypical Mycobacterium infection in a Japanese woman. Jpn J Infect Dis., 2006; 59(3), 189-191. Kimura H, Yoshizumi M, Iijima M, Tsukagoshi T, Nishimura T, Kato M, Morita Y, Tanaka R, Kozawa K, Fujita M, Kojima M, Minakami H.
  • Role of protein kinase C in eosinophil function. Allergol Int., 2006; 55(3), 245-252. Yamaguchi T, Suzuki M, Kimura H, Kato M.
  • Omenn syndrome: review of several phenotypes of Omenn syndrome and RAG1/RAG2 mutations in Japan.  Allergol Int., 2006; 55(2), 115-119. Kato M, Kimura H, Seki M, Shimada A, Hayashi Y, Morio T, Kumaki S, Ishida Y, Kamachi Y, Yachie A.
  • Role of eosinophils and their clinical significance in allergic inflammation.  Expert Rev. Clin Immunol., 2006; 2(1), 121-133. Kato M, Suzuki M, Hayashi Y, Kimura H.
  • 非定型抗酸菌と非定型抗酸菌症. モダンメディア, 2006; 52(3), 57-66.  森田幸雄, 藤田雅弘, 丸山総一.
  • Phylogenetic analysis of envelope glycoprotein (E1) gene of rubella viruses prevalent in Japan in 2004. Microbiol Immunol., 2006; 50(3), 179-185. Saitoh M, Shinkawa N, Shimada S, Segawa Y, Sadamasu K, Hasegawa M, Kato M, Kozawa K,  Kuramoto T, Nishio O, Kimura H.
  • Antimicrobial resistance in Campylobacter isolated from food animals and humans in northern Thailand. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol., 2006; 47(2), 217-225. Padungtod P, Kaneene J, Hanson R, Morita Y, Boonmar S.
  • Decomposition of p-nonylphenols in water and elimination of their estrogen activities by 60Co  γ-ray irradiation. Radiat Phys Chem., 2006; 75(1), 61-69. Kimura A, Taguchi M, Ohtani Y, Takigami M, Shimada Y, Kojima T, Hiratsuka H, Namba H.
  • Plasmacytoid monocytes in cat scratch disease with special reference to the histological diversity of suppurative lesions. Pathol. Res. Pract., 2006; 202(1), 17-22. Kojima M, Morita Y, Shimizu K, Itoh H, Nakamura S.
  • 群馬県の猫および犬におけるBartonella保菌状況と分離株の遺伝子多型性. 日獣会誌, 2005; 58(10), 697-702. 高橋敏子, 久保雅敏, 鈴木宣夫, 長井章, 松本寿男, 小林洋平, 森田幸雄, 丸山総一.
  • 群馬県の河川水におけるArcobacter汚染状況と大腸菌群数との関連性. 日獣会誌, 2005; 58(6), 415-417. 森田幸雄, 壁谷英則, 田村幸生, 阪脇廣美, 藤田雅弘, 石岡大成, 星野利得, 丸山総一.
  • Oxygen radicals in inflammation and allergy related to viral infections. Curr Drug Targets Inflamm Allergy., 2005; 4(4), 497-501. Kato M, Hayashi Y, Kimura H.
  • Toxicity and roles of reactive oxygen species. Curr Drug Targets Inflamm Allergy., 2005; 4(4), 489-495.  Kimura H, Sawada T, Oshima S, Kozawa K, Ishioka T, Kato M.
  • 気道上皮細胞に対する好酸球顆粒蛋白およびRespiratory Syncytialウイルスの傷害性. Cytometry Research, 2005; 15(2), 1-5.  石岡大成, 加藤政彦, 山口貴史, 吉住正和, 小澤邦壽, 鮫島伸一, 澤田俊夫, 星野洪郎, 木村博一.
  • An atypical protein kinase C, PKC ζ, regulates human eosinophil effector functions.  Immunology, 2005; 116(2), 193-202. Kato M, Yamaguchi T, Tachibana A, Suzuki M, Izumi T, Maruyama K, Hayashi Y, Kimura H. 
  • Platelet-activating factor or complement 5a causes distinct activation profiles in human eosinophil and neutrophil functions. Allergol Int., 2005; 54(2), 289-297.  Fujiu T, Kato M, Tachibana A, Kimura H, Suzuki M, Hayashi Y, Tsuchida Y, Morikawa A.
  • Detection and sequence analysis of DNA polymerase and major envelope protein genes in koi herpesviruses derived from Cyprinus carpio in Gunma prefecture, Japan. Vet Microbiol, 2005; 110(1-2), 27-33.  Ishioka T, Yoshizumi M, Izumi S, Suzuki K, Suzuki H, Kozawa K, Arai M, Nobusawa K, Morita Y, Kato M, Hoshino T, Iida T, Kosuge K, Kimura H.
  • Selenoureas and thioureas are effective superoxide radical scavengers in vitro. Lifescience, 2005; 76(19), 2185-2192.  Takahashi H, Nishina A, Kimura H, Koketsu M, Ishihara H. 
  • Differential roles of an atypical protein kinase C, PKC zeta, on regulation of human eosinophil and neutriphil functions. Int Arch Allergy Immunol., 2005; 137(Suppl1), 27-34. Kato M, Yamaguchi T, Tachibana A, Kimura H.
  • Oligoclonal expansion of T lymphocytes with multiple second-site mutations leads to Omenn syndrome in a patient with RAG1-deficient severe combined immunodeficiency. Blood, 2005; 106(6), 2099-2101.  Wada T, Toma T, Okamoto H, Kasahara Y, Koizumi S, Agematsu K, Kimura H, Shimada A,  Hayashi Y, Kato M, Yachie A.
  • Tertiary selenoamide compounds are useful superoxide radical scavengers in vitro. Eur J Pharm Sci., 2005; 24(4), 291-295.  Takahashi H, Nishina A, Fukumoto R, Kimura H, Koketsu M, Ishihara H.
  • Heat treatment effects on Mycobacterium spp. isolated from ruminants in Nepal. Vet Microbiol., 2005; 106(3-4), 303-304. Dhakal M, Shrestha RG, Jha VC, Dhakal PR, Sato T, Morita Y, Kozawa K, Kimura H. 
  • Serotypes and antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter jejuni isolated from humans and animals in Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health., 2005; 36(1), 130-134. Boonmar S, Sangsuk L, Suthivarakom K, Padungtod P, Morita Y.
  • Buffalo rabies in Nepal. Vet Rec., 2004; 154(17), 540. Jha VC, Dhakal M, Pun MB, Jha VK, Aryal T, Dhakal PR, Manahndar S, Sato T, Ide S, Morita Y, Kozawa K, Kimura H.
  • Genetic diversity of the dnaJ gene in Mycobacterium avium complex. J Med Microbiol., 2004; 53(8), 813-817. Morita Y, Maruyama S, Kabeya H, Nagai A, Kozawa K, Kato M, Nakajima T, Mikami T, Katsube Y, Kimura H.
  • A highly effective method for removing suspended poliovirus from water using a positively-charged carbon felt electrode. Microbiol Immunol., 2004; 48(8), 599-605.  Kondo Y, Morita Y, Yamada A, Kimura H.
  • Isolation and phylogenetic analysis of Arcobacter spp. in ground chicken meat and environmental water in Japan and Thailand. Microbiol Immunol., 2004; 48(7), 527-533.  Morita Y, Maruyama S, Kabeya H, Boonmar S, Nimsuphan B, Nagai A, Kozawa K, Nakajima T, Mikami T, Kimura H.
  • 家畜および市販ひき肉におけるArcobacter、Campylobacter、Salmonellaの分布状況. 日本獣医師会雑誌, 2004; 57(6), 393-397.  森田幸雄, 壁谷英則, 石岡大成, 坂脇廣美, 長井章, 鈴木宣夫, 中林良雄, 丸山総一.
  • Prevalence of Flavobacterium psychrophilum infection in ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) in Gunma prefecture, Japan and comparison of the gyr B sequences of isolates. Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science), 2004; 38(4), 523-530.  Arai H, Morita Y, Nobusawa K, Arai M, Boonmar S, Kimura H.
  • Selenocarbamates are effective superoxide anion scavengers in vitro. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2004; 23(3), 207-211. Takahashi H, Nishina A, Kimura H, Koketsu M, Ishihara H.
  • Dual signaling and effector pathways mediate human eosinophil activation by platelet-activating factor. Int Arch Allergy Immunol., 2004; 134(Suppl 1), 37-43.  Kato M, Kita H, Tachibana A, Tsuchida Y, Kimura H. 
  • Single intradamal tuberuculin tests of milking buffaloes and cows in Nepal. Vet Rec., 2004; 154(4), 124. Pun MB, Prasai TP, Dhakal M, Jha VK, Shrestha KB, Jha VC, Sato T, Morita Y, Kozawa K, Kimura H.
  • Proinflammatory cytokinemia associated with transient myeloproliferative disorder in Down syndrome.  Biol Neonate., 2004; 85(3), 167-172. Shimada A, Maruyama K, Shitara T, Kato M, Cho K, Kobayashi T, Fujiu T, Tsuchida Y, Nishida A, Hayashi Y, Minakami H, Kozawa K, Kimura H.
  • Serum procalcitonin concentration in patients with Kawasaki disease. J Infect, 2004; 48(2), 199-205. Okada Y, Minakami H, Tomomasa T, Kato M, Inoue Y, Kozawa K, Kimura H, Morikawa A.
  • 水道給水栓から発見されたユスリカ幼虫. ペストロジー学会誌, 2004; 19(1), 1-5. 田中伸久, 小林貞, 田中英文, 佐々学, 菅原伊智郎, 山口安宣, 林知稔, 小澤邦寿.
  • Fetal origin of the GATA1 mutation in identical twins with transient myeloproliferative disorder and acute megakaryoblastic leukemia accompanying Down syndrome.  Blood, 2004; 103(1), 366. Shimada A, Xu G, Toki T, Kimura H, Hayashi Y, Itoh E.
  • 横浜市内のビルで捕獲されたイエネズミにおけるArcobacterおよびCampylobacterの保菌状況. 日本獣医師会雑誌, 2003; 56(12); 819-824. 壁谷英則, 丸山総一, 山城聖子, 佐多辰, 黒木俊郎, 森田幸雄, 見上彪.
  • Sulfonated hunman immunoglobulin enhances CD16-linked CD11b expression on human polymorphonucleic leukocytes. Cell Biol Int., 2003; 27(11), 913-919. Kimura H, Kato M, Ikeda M, Nagai A, Okada Y, Naito S, Oshima S, Taniguchi K, Kozawa K, Morikawa A.   
  • Detection, quantitation, and phylogenetic analysis of noroviruses in Japanese oysters. Appl Environ Microbiol., 2003; 69(10), 5782-5786. Nishida T, Kimura H, Saitoh M, Shinohara M, Kato M, Fukuda S, Munemura T, Mikami T, Kawamoto A, Akiyama M, Kato Y, Nishi K, Kozawa K, Nishio O.
  • Keratoconjunctivitis caused by echovirus type 13 in Japanese children. Pediatr Infect Dis J., 2003; 22(8), 758-759. Kimura H, Saitoh M, Miyakubo H, Yoshida H, Kato M, Nagai A, Kozawa K.
  • Prevalence of atypical mycobacteriosis in slaughtered swine and characteristics of isolates in Gunma prefecture, Japan. Vet Rec., 2003; 153(7), 220. Morita Y, Kimura H, Kabeya H, Kozawa Z, Nagai A, Maruyama S.
  • Atypical Mycobacteriosis in pig in Japan. Vet Rec, 2003; 153(7), 220.  Morita Y, Kimura H, Nagai A, Kozawa K, Katsube Y, Maruyama S.
  • 市販鶏ひき肉におけるArcobacter, CampylobacterおよびSalmonellaの汚染状況. 日本獣医師会雑誌, 2003; 56(6), 401-405. 森田幸雄, 壁谷英則, 丸山総一, 長井章, 奥野英俊, 中林良雄, 中嶋隆, 見上彪.
  • Cutaneous infection in a cat caused by Mycobacterium avium complex serovar 6. Vet Rec., 2003; 152(4), 120.  Morita Y, Kimura H, Nagata M, Tsuchiya H, Kato M, Maruyama S.
  • Inhibition of human eosinophil activation by a cysteinyl leukotoriene receptor antagonist (Pranlukast; ONO-1078). J Asthma., 2003; 40(4), 395-404. Suzuki M, Kato M, Kimura H, Fujiu T, Morikawa A.
  • 群馬県内の利根川における冬期ユスリカ調査. 衛生動物, 2003; 54(3), 229-303. 田中伸久, 橋爪節子, 小野川昌宏, 佐々学. 
  • 各種pH溶液が昆虫のカタラーゼ活性に及ぼす影響. ペストロジー学会誌, 2003; 18(2), 109-112. 田中伸久, 山口安宣.
  • Distribution of Arcobacter species amang livestock in Japan. Vet Microbiol., 2003; 93(2), 153-158.  Kabeya H, Maruyama S, Morita Y, Kubo M, Yamamoto K, Arai S, Izumi T, Kobayashi Y, Katsube Y, Mikami T.
  • Distinct isoformes of protein kinase C are involved in human eosinophil functions induced by platelet-activating factor. Int Arch Allergy Immunol., 2003; 131(Suppl), 115-119. Takizawa T, Kato M, Suzuki M, Tachibana A, Motegi Y, Fujiu T, Kimura H, Arakawa H,  Mochizuki H, Tokuyama K, Morikawa A.
  • 前橋市郊外の水田地帯におけるユスリカ調査. 衛生動物, 2003; 54(1), 121-124. 田中伸久, 佐々学, 橋爪節子.
  • Increased superoxide radicals generation from alveolar macrophages in immature guinea pigs. Cell Biol. Int., 2002; 26, 829-832. Kato M, Tokuyama K, Minakami H, Nagai A, Kozawa K, Goto H, Morikawa A, Kimura H.
  • Acid-fast bacteria in the gastic contents of a neonate. Pediatr Infect Dis J., 2002; 21(10), 987-988. Morita Y, Kimura H, Minakami H, Saitoh M, Kato M, Nagai A, Kozawa K.
  • Platelet-activating factor activates two distinct effector pathways in human eosinophils. J Immunol., 2002; 169(9), 5252-5259. Kato M, Kimura H, Motegi Y, Tachibana A, Minakami H, Morikawa A, Kita H.
  • 肥育牛の胆汁および盲腸内容物のカンピロバクター保菌状況. 日本獣医師会雑誌, 2002; 55(8), 517-519.  庄司和人, 高田勇人, 新井芳典, 井上伸子, 高橋えり, 天田貴昌, 松本寿男, 森田幸雄.
  • Fenoterol inhibits superoxide anion generation by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes via beta-adrenoceptor-dependent and -ndependent mechanisms. Ann. Allergy Ashema Immunol., 2002; 88(5), 494-500. Mirza Z, Kato M, Kimura H, Tachibana A, Fujiu T, Suzuki M, Mochizuki H, Tokuyama K,  Morikawa A.
  • Inhibition by fenoterol of human eosinophil functions including β2-adrenoceptor-independent actions. Clin. Exp. Immunol., 2002; 130(3), 415-423. Tachibana A, Kato M, Kimura H, Fujiu T, Suzuki M, Morikawa A.
  • Inhibition of protein kinases A and C demonstrates dual modes of response in human eosinophils stimulated with Platelet-activating factor. J Allergy Clin Immunol., 2002; 110(2), 241-248. Takizawa T, Kato M, Kimura H, Suzuki M, Tachibana A, Obinata H, Izumi T, Tokuyama K, Morikawa A.
  • Cellular adhesion is required for effector functions of human eosinophils via G-protein coupled receptors. Ann. Allergy Athhma Immunol, 2002; 89(1), 90-98.  Fujiu T, Kato M, Kimura H, Tachibana A, Suzuki M, Nako Y, Morikawa A.
  • 群馬県におけるツツガムシ病. 厚生の指標, 2002; 49(2), 24-30. 田中伸久, 富岡千鶴子, 橋爪節子.
  • Decreased expression of L-selectin on peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes in neonates with severe asphyxia. Biol Neonate., 2002; 81(2), 95-98. Hashimoto M, Nishida A, Minakami H, Takashima Y, Kato M, Okada Y, Ogawa Y, Itoh S, Kimura H. 
  • Respiratory syncytial virus enhances the expression of CD11b molecules and the generation of superoxide anion by human eosinophils primed with platelet-activating factor. Intervirology, 2002; 45(1), 43-51. Tachibana A, Kimura H, Kato M, Nako Y, Kozawa K, Morikawa A.
  • Prevalence of Bartonella species and 16s rRNA gene types of Bartonella henselae from domestic cats in Thailand. Am J Trop Med Hyg., 2001; 65, 783-787.   Maruyama S, Sasaki T, Morita Y, Tanaka S, Kabeya H, Boonmar S, Poapolathep A, Chalarmchaikit T, Chang CC, Kasten RW, Chomel BB, Katsube Y.
  • Ultraviolet B irradiation modulates susceptibility to tumour necrosis factor-alpha-induced apoptosis via induction of death receptors in murine fibroblasts. Cell Biol Int., 2001; 25(12), 1221-1228. Kimura H, Minakami H, Shoji A.  
  • 昆虫におけるカタラーゼ試験の検討. ペストロジー学会誌, 2001; 16(2), 89-93. 田中伸久, 橋爪節子.
  • Reduced expression of flice-inhibitory protein (FLIP) and NF-kappaB is associated with death receptor-induced cell death in human aortic endothelial cells (HAECs). Cytokine, 2001; 21,15(2), 66-74. Okada Y, Kato M, Minakami H, Inoue Y, Morikawa A, Otsuki K, Kimura H. 
  • Arcobacter butzleriとA. cryaerophilusの分離・同定法の検討ならびに鶏肉の汚染状況. 日本獣医師会雑誌, 2001; 54, 35-40.  丸山総一, 星みのり, 森田幸雄, 壁谷英則, 勝部泰次.
  • Release of IL-4 and IL-5 from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells co-cultured with Japanese cedar pollen antigen in vitro. Cell Biol Int., 2001; 25(8), 841-844. Kimura H, Shibata Y, Minakami H, Hashizume S, Oba H, Sakaguchi M, Otsuki K, Kato M. 
  • Sera from patients with Kawasaki disease induce intercellular adhesion molecule-1 but not Fas in human endothelial cells. Int Arch Allergy Immunol., 2001; 125(3), 250-255. Inoue Y, Kimura H, Kato M, Okada Y, Morikawa A.
  • 昆虫死体におけるカタラーゼ活性の基礎的検討. ペストロジー学会誌, 2001; 16(1), 56-59.  田中伸久, 橋爪節子.  
  • Elevated type IV(ローマ数字) collagen in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Biol Neonate., 2001; 79(1), 34-38. Ohki Y, Kato M, Kimura H, Nako Y, Tokuyama K, Morikawa A.
  • Outbreak of gastroenteritis caused by echovirus type 6 in an orphanage in Japan. J Infect., 2000; 41(3), 285-286. Abe O, Kimura H, Minakami H, Akami M, Inoue M, Saito A, Otsuki K.
  • A trend of influenza in 1999/2000 season Gunma Japan. Infectious agents surveillance report, 2000; 21, 56-57. Obuchi M, Kimura H, Nakamura Y, Akami M, Inoue M, Otsuki K, Nakamura Y, Fukasawa T.
  • Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase inhibit lactate dehydrogenase release and protects against cell death in murine fibroblasts pretreted with ultraviolet radiation. Cell Biol Int., 2000; 24(7), 459-465. Kimura H, Minakami H, Otsuki K, Shoji A.
  • Stimulation of the β2 integrin, αMβ2, on human eosinophils triggers tyrosine phosphorylation and cellular degranulation on human eosinophils. Int. Arch. Allergy Imuunol., 2000; 122, 33-35. Kato M, Kita H, Kimura H, Tachibana A, Motegi Y, Tokuyama K, Morikawa A.
  • 群馬県で1998年に起こった麻しん流行の解析. 日本医事新報, 1999; 3936, 45-49. 木村博一, 大月邦夫, 疋田博之, 森川昭廣, 竹田誠, 小船富美夫. 


  • 環境基準未達成河川の汚濁要因推定. 全国環境研会誌.2021;47(1):45-49 梅澤真一, 田子博.(PDFファイル:849KB)<外部リンク>
  • 温泉流動の理解を目的とした温泉水中希土類元素の地球化学的指標性の検討. 日本温泉科学会誌, 2013; 63(2), 141-157. 齊藤由倫, 飯島明宏, 木村真也, 小澤邦壽.<外部リンク>
  • 群馬県における水環境健全性指標の活用と川づくりへの住民参加の試み. 日本水環境学会誌, 2011; 34(A), 359-364. 後藤和也.
  • 群馬県における地下水への窒素負荷分布の推定.  全国環境研会誌, 2009; 34(1), 29-35. 熊谷貴美代, 冨岡淳, 小澤邦壽.
  • Treatment of wastewater having estrogen activity by ionizing radiation.  Rad Phys Chem., 2007; 76(4), 699-706. Kimura A, Taguchi M, Ohtani Y, Shimada T, Hiratsuka H, Kojima T.
  • 群馬県における地下水硝酸性窒素濃度低下に関する考察.  水環境学会誌, 2006; 30(5), 283-286. 堀越壮一, 飯島明宏, 冨岡淳, 関順司, 加藤政彦, 小澤邦壽.
  • Estrogen-antagonist activities of phthalic acid mono-n-butyl ester and phthalic acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester. Environ Sci., 2005; 12(4), 207-212. Ohtani Y, Shimada Y, Shiraishi F, Kozawa K.
  • 高分子, 内分泌攪乱物質ならびに毒性物質の生分解 10.ビスフェノールAの生分解. 防菌防黴誌, 2005; 32(11), 551-556. 大谷仁己.
  • ビスフェノールAの生分解途中で増大するエストロゲン活性. 全国環境研会誌, 2005; 30(1), 18-23. 大谷仁己, 嶋田好孝, 白石不二雄, 小澤邦寿.
  • ビスフェノールAの生分解過程におけるエストロゲン様活性の変化. 環境化学, 2003; 13(4), 1027-1031. 大谷仁巳, 嶋田好孝, 白石不二雄, 小澤邦寿.
  • 群馬県における環境ホルモンに関する研究. かんきょう, 2001; 40-41.  大谷仁己, 嶋田好孝.
  • 群馬県の下水処理場と河川における非イオン界面活性剤およびその分解生成物の挙動について. 水環境学会誌, 2001; 24(11), 774-778.  丸山章代, 冨岡淳, 伊藤安紀, 浅見真理, 相澤貴子.
  • 河川水から分離した細菌によるビスフェノールA分解機構-分解過程におけるエストロゲンレセプター結合能の変化-. 全国環境研会誌, 2001; 26(3), 176-184. 大谷仁己, 藤波洋征, 嶋田好孝.


